Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Short Version

The first time I heard about van dwelling, I had just gone through my first-love break up, my part-time job had become unbearable enough that I quit and I did not feel ready to transfer from a community college to the university.

I wanted to run away.

The thing about running away is: don't tell your parents. Even though I could legally go wherever I wanted to, they quickly shut down trading my sedan for a van and driving around the country.

Looking through my computer,
I stumbled on the layout e-mailed to me when I inquired about the room around two years ago
A couple of years into the future, I'm renting a townhouse with a terrible room mate. We don't get along at all. My landlords happen to be the the room mate's parents, who bought her the townhouse for her nineteenth birthday. After months of bullshit, I get asked to move out. It's not an eviction, but request came with the subtle hint that it would be evolving into an eviction notice at the end of December.

My room mate would empty her room after several days of
hoarding dishes and trash. Then, she would only clean up after
herself after she had no where else to put her garbage.

Going to school, taking finals, packing, getting strung along and disregarded, either way - December 27th rolls around and I don't have a place to stay. Not really knowing where to go, I recalled when I wanted to live in a van.

I rediscovered articles and websites detailing the life style of van dwelling. The Rec Center at the university is a perfect place to shower and exercise. Most of the food I prepared when living with a stove didn't require much of any cooking anyways.

I didn't have a van. So, I stuffed my twin mattress in my tiny sedan, took out the passenger seat and filled it with essentials and drove back up to the university to enjoy Winter Break, living in my car.

That's most of the story, at least the important bits and pieces for an introduction.

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